Family Feud!

Updated: January 31, 2012

As promised, here are the top answers for each question!



1. Name a game for the original Nintendo Entertainment System.
Super Mario Bros 27
Legend of Zelda 23
Duck Hunt 10
Battletoads 5
2. Name a non-video game kids have played for generations.
Monopoly 20
Tag 18
Hide and Seek 13
Checkers 8
Hopscotch 5
Chess 4
3. Name an item a role-playing game character might use.
Sword 36
Potion 35
Staff 8
Bag 5
Axe 4
Rope 3
4. Name a character from the Mario games other than Mario.
Luigi 32
Peach 18
Toad 17
Bowser 11
Yoshi 10
Wario 6
5. Tell me something you might put off until later because you're playing a video game.
Sleep 23
Eating 22
Laundry 15
Work / Homework 11
Bathroom 6
6. Name the video game development role that you most need to make a successful game.
Programmer 45
Game Designer 26
Producer / Director 14
Tester / QA 5
Artist 4
Entire Team 3
7. Name a common way to kill an enemy in a video game.
Shoot 49
Jump 28
Sword / Knife 7
Punch / Kick 6
8. Name a game that has made a lot of money.
World of Warcraft 21
Call of Duty 20
Halo 9
Minecraft 9
Zelda 6
9. You are standing in an open field west of a white house, with a boarded front door. There is a small mailbox here. What do you do?
Open/Look at mailbox 65
Go east 8
Go west 3
10. Name a video-game character that started as a comic book character.
Batman 41
Spiderman 30
Wolverine 6
11. Name a game you wish you'd developed.
Minecraft 12
Angry Birds 7
Portal 6
World of Warcraft 6
Tetris 5
Zelda 5
Skyrim 4
Braid 3
Civilization 2
Final Fantasy 7 2
Final Fantasy 2
Everquest 2 2
Halo 2
12. Name a game that uses the Konami code.
Contra 71
Gradius 9
Metal Gear Solid 2
no answer given 17
13. Name a food or beverage that helps you develop games.
Coffee 32
Water 14
Mountain Dew 13
Energy Drinks 12
Pizza 9
Cola / Diet Cola 7
Chips 2
14. Name a game that's preinstalled on a computer.
Minesweeper 53
Solitaire 35
FreeCell 5
Chess 3
Hearts 2
15. Name a button on a game controller.
A 42
X 24
Start 16
Select 6
R1 / Right Shoulder Button 3
Triangle 3
L1 / Left Shoulder Button 2
16. Besides move, jump, and shoot, name something you do in a video game.
Crouch / Duck 15
Pick up 8
Run 5
Die 5
Explore 4
Talk 4
Use / Activate 4
Pause 3
Save 3
Open things 3
Slide 2
Rescue 2
Read 2
Dance 2
Shop 2
Dodge / Evade 2
Sneak 2
Barrel Roll 2
Cast spells 2
17. Name a failed video game system.
Failed Console
Virtual Boy 25
Dreamcast 23
Atari Jaguar 16
18. Name a character that's a mascot for a video game system.
Sonic 46
Mario 30
Crash Bandicoot 12
Master Chief 6

Updated: January 17, 2012

Thanks for the responses, everyone! Thanks to the power of the Internet I have more than enough data to run a proper Family Feud game. Now I just have to group the responses and put together the game board. :)

I'll post up the results of the survey after I run the game.

Thanks again for your help! The game development community is awesome.



Original post: January 10, 2012

Hello fellow game developers!

I'm running a Game Developer Family Feud game at my office next week, and I'm hoping to get 100 game developers to answer the survey questions below, so I can use the ones with the best responses in the game.

If you could take a few minutes to answer these questions I would really appreciate it!

Also, if you could send this to any other game developers that might be willing to fill it out, I'd appreciate that too!

